Monday, March 22, 2010


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Since I was so far behind I'm skipping a lot of pic's just to get updated. These are some more recent pictures of Cash. He is 6 months old as of February, 2. He had is 6 month checkup Tuesday and he weighed 14lbs. So the doc said he was a little on the small side with his weight so we need to try and fatten him up a little. He's a little deceiving with those cheeks but the rest of his body is so little. He doesn't eat very well lately. So in the next few days we're going to try some baby food. Hopefully he'll take to that better than the cereal. He is such a fun and happy baby. We are enjoying him so much. He has a smile for anyone who talks to him.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Last 6 months of Maddox

Maddox turned three 8.21.09. He seems like such a little boy now and nothing like a baby. Especially since we've had Cash. Here is a few pic's of Maddox's life the last 6 months. We tried soccer for the first time and found out he was actually pretty good (that is on the day's he decided to be a boy not a dinosaur)! He was pirate for Halloween and loved every minute of it. To much of my surprise he has been the best big brother from the minute we brought Cash home. I thought there would be some jealousy or acting out of some sort. But nothing, instead he became very protective of him. No one can make Cash laugh like Maddox. Cash is totally content as long as Maddox is around.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Starting Over. New Blog and New Baby

I know it's been over a year but I'm finally getting around to updating this blog. So here's a few pic's to bring you up to speed with the last year of our lives! And I still don't have a title for our new blog. The Mischievous Mind Of Maddox obviously won't work now that we have Cash. So any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Cash Harrison Cotton August 2, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maddox's first snow

This was the first time Maddox has ever seen snow!  Well it snowed when he was a baby but that doesn't count.  When kids are playing in the snow somehow they don't seem to notice how cold it is!  He's been telling me all day about snow angels!  I have no idea how he even knows what that is.  It must be something on tv.  We are so glad we finally had some form of snow!!

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

We're Back!

I know I've been neglecting our blog lately so here is a mixture of holiday pics and our trip to Jasmine Moran with Nana, Bella, and Hunter.

Like father like son!


Maddox got a guitar from his Great Papa!

This is Spike!  Santa brought him.  We're still a little afraid of him!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Lights

Last night Adam, Maddox and I went to see some christmas lights. These were just the most beautiful trees. So I thought I would share them. Enjoy!

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